In 2016, the Land Trust launched an ambitious and successful $7.9 million campaign to purchase Rincon Bluffs Preserve (originally Carpinteria Bluffs III), among the last remaining undeveloped coastal properties between the western edge of Goleta and the Ventura County line. Now, over two thirds of the entire Carpinteria Bluffs open space is permanently protected from development and for the public’s enjoyment under a Land Trust conservation easement. Ownership of the property was transferred to the City of Carpinteria for long-term stewardship and the permitting process for parking, trail, and other improvements is underway.
The Land Trust’s conservation easement ensures trails and other infrastructure can be developed without impacting the remarkable natural resources of the property.
Visiting Rincon Bluffs Preserve:
Trail rating: Easy
Hours: Sunrise to sunset daily
Alltrails: Carpinteria Bluffs III Loop Trail