Conserving Local Land — Now, and for the Future.

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Conserving Local Land — Now, and for the Future.

The Land Trust for Santa Barbara County conserves natural resources, agricultural land and open spaces for the benefit of present and future generations.

Explore the Land

Arroyo Hondo Preserve

The Arroyo Hondo Preserve is a magnificent canyon located west of Santa Barbara between Refugio State Beach and Gaviota State Park on 782-acres. Purchased from the Hollister family in late 2001, Arroyo Hondo is protected forever and managed by the Land Trust as a natural and historic preserve. The preserve is rich in Chumash and early California history and the canyon and meadows are thriving with wildlife.

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Coronado Butterfly Preserve

The Coronado Butterfly Preserve is home to native coastal sage scrub habitat, eucalyptus groves and numerous birds and wildlife that thrive in this urban community treasure. The 9.3-acre preserve includes Devereux Creek, woodlands and meadows as well as trails, an outdoor gathering area and classroom. The Preserve is protected open space and acts as a gateway to existing and future protected coastal resource areas nearby, via trails linking the Goleta Monarch Grove, Ellwood Shores coastal bluffs, Santa Barbara Shores County Park, the Devereux Slough and the beach. The preserve is…

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Carpinteria Bluffs Nature Preserve

Driving north or south on Highway 101, you’re sure to have noticed the scenic ocean vista, swaying Eucalyptus lined paths, and fields of coastal sage and wildflowers known as Carpinteria Bluffs, which offers spectacular views of Anacapa, Santa Cruz and Santa Rosa Islands. The property also overlooks a low tide beach and one of the four harbor seal rookeries remaining along the southern California coast. Among this stunning scenery passersby walk their dogs along the tree lined paths, peak at the harbor seals, ride bikes, paint landscapes and stop to…

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Rincon Gateway

The Land Trust for Santa Barbara County recently announced the acquisition of the Rincon Gateway, a 2.48-acre jewel of a property located at the southeastern entrance of Santa Barbara County. Nestled along the eastern edge of the Carpinteria Bluffs and adjacent to the Rincon Bluffs Preserve, this rare and ecologically important parcel offers significant coastal habitat. With this acquisition, the Land Trust ensures that this beloved piece of land will remain undeveloped and preserved for the benefit of the public and future generations.


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News & Events


Land Trust Treks

Land Trust Treks are a free, public series of guided hikes for the community to explore scenic Santa Barbara County and to meet your local Land Trust.

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Visit Arroyo Hondo Preserve

The Arroyo Hondo Preserve is open to the public on the first and third full weekends of each month, advanced reservations required.

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02.14.2025 NEWS

Press Release: Topanga Creek’s Rescued Southern California Steelhead Trout Find New Home in Arroyo Hondo Creek After Palisades Fire

Gaviota, CA – In a significant conservation effort, over 200 critically endangered Southern California steelhead trout, rescued from Topanga Creek following the devastating Palisades Fire in January 2025, have been successfully relocated to The Land Trust for Santa Barbara County’s Arroyo Hondo Preserve. This release made possible through a partnership between The Land Trust, the California…

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Help shape our county’s future.

Iconic views, locally grown food, fresh water, clean air, recreation access, thriving wildlife habitat—it’s all here in Santa Barbara County and when you give to the Land Trust, you invest in the protection of the places you love.

Picnic at the Preserve

Sunday, May 18, 2025

Celebrate 40 years of conservation at Arroyo Hondo Preserve! Enjoy local food & wine, hands-on activities, a live auction, and more!