Coronado Butterfly Preserve

Conserved for




The Coronado Butterfly Preserve is home to native coastal sage scrub habitat, eucalyptus groves and numerous birds and wildlife that thrive in this urban community treasure. The 9.3-acre preserve includes Devereux Creek, woodlands and meadows as well as trails, an outdoor gathering area and classroom.

The Preserve is protected open space and acts as a gateway to existing and future protected coastal resource areas nearby, via trails linking the Goleta Monarch Grove, Ellwood Shores coastal bluffs, Santa Barbara Shores County Park, the Devereux Slough and the beach.

The preserve is adjacent to the largest Monarch butterfly over-wintering groves in California and is enjoyed by as many as 1,000 visitors per weekend during the butterfly season.

Preserve History and Accomplishments

For many years, the community has appreciated and sought to protect the biologically rich, undeveloped coastal properties in west Goleta. Previously owned by the Goleta Union School District, the Land Trust purchased the Preserve in 1998 for $600,000 using public and private grants and over $50,000 in community donations. The Preserve is now permanently protected and used for the wildlife habitat preservation, outdoor education and links to the coastal trail system.

With the help of the neighborhood and greater community, the Preserve has become a thriving place for native plants, wildlife and learning. The Preserve is managed by an advisory committee, under the direction of the Land Trust.

Best Time to Visit

November – February

Open daily from dawn till dusk.

Peak Numbers

Usually visible in December and January


Help shape our county’s future.

Iconic views, locally grown food, fresh water, clean air, recreation access, thriving wildlife habitat—it’s all here in Santa Barbara County and when you give to the Land Trust, you invest in the protection of the places you love.

Picnic at the Preserve

Sunday, May 18, 2025

Celebrate 40 years of conservation at Arroyo Hondo Preserve! Enjoy local food & wine, hands-on activities, a live auction, and more!